Complete Guide of Mobile Number Prefixes in Philippines 2025

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Due to the finest infrastructure in the Philippines, telecom networks and mobile number prefixes are diverse to meet the needs of business professionals and individuals. There are over 70 different cellular network companies in the country but the major ones include Globe, TM (Touch Mobile), Sun Cellular, GOMO, Smart, TNT (Talk ‘N Text), DITO Telecommunity, and Cherry Prepaid. Smart owns both Sun Cellular and TNT, while Globe owns Republika ng TM. TNT was previously known as Piltel, Mobiline, and Phone Pal. 

In this article you will get a complete guide of mobile number prefixes in the Philippines. 

What are Mobile Number Prefixes and Why are they Important to Know?

Every mobile number prefixes or cellular network prefix has a four-digit unique code found at the beginning of the 11-digit mobile number. The prefix of the mobile number differentiates the service provider of the registered mobile number. 

However, the question arises: Why are the mobile number prefixes important to know?

  • You should know the network provider of your mobile number to benefit from the network’s promo. In short, you should know your mobile network to determine whether a promo offer applies to it. We have broken down the benefits of knowing the mobile number prefixes.
  • There are discounts and other promotions available to you on your mobile network and you can avail them only if you know the correspondence of your mobile number prefix to a particular network.
  • Mobile number prefixes would enable you to know whether the promo calls and messages apply or not, otherwise you will be charged extra fee.

If a user changed their network on the same mobile number prefix, you cannot determine their network. For instance, if a Smart user with the 0813 prefix switches to Globe, you can not predict their mobile network based on their prefix.

Mobile Networks and their Prefixes in the Philippines

To make things easier for you, we have come up with a list of all the mobile number prefixes for Globe, Touch Mobile (TM), Smart, Talk ‘N Text, Sun Cellular, GOMO, DITO telecom and Cherry Prepaid available in 2025.

So, without further delay, let’s get started with a comprehensive guide of mobile number prefixes in the Philippines.

1. Smart Communications

Smart Communications, also known as Smart or TNT, is a wireless and digital services Smart Communications Inc. company. Smart is one of the biggest network operators in the Philippines and is part of the largest telecom provider in the Philippines, the PLDT group. According to the September 2016 stats, Smart, TNT, and Sun had more than 60 million mobile subscribers, while the 2023 stats showed the number of mobile subscribers is 55 million, 34 million, and 20 million of Smart, TNT, and Sun, respectively. 

Smart offers Smart Bro and Sun wireless broadband, with more than 3.8 million subscribers. 

Features of Smart Network

  • Smart Communication gained millions of subscribers due to 2G, 3G, 3.5G HSPA+, 4G LTE, LTE-A networks, and 5G commercial wireless services. 
  • Satellite services for maritime communications are also offered by Smart, which is Smart Sat and Marino
  • It also provides digital services such as Smart Money for mobile payments and Smart Padala for money remittance is now part of PayMaya. 

How can you Check the Balance of Smart Communications in the Philippines?

  • By USSD Code: Dial *123# and press call. Then, follow the menu prompts to check your balance.
  • By Text Message: You have to text BAL to 214. Afterward, you will be sent an SMS with your balance details.

List of Smart Number Prefixes

Here is the list:

  • 0980
  • 0981
  • 0813
  • 0908
  • 0911
  • 0913
  • 0914
  • 0919
  • 0920
  • 0921
  • 0922
  • 0933
  • 0934
  • 0928
  • 0929
  • 0939
  • 0947
  • 0949
  • 0951
  • 0961
  • 0964
  • 0968
  • 0969
  • 0970
  • 0971
  • 0999
  • 0923
  • 0924
  • 0925
  • 0932
  • 0940
  • 0941
  • 0942
  • 0943
  • 0944
  • 0973
  • 0974

2. Talk ‘N Text Services

It is a Philippine-based cellular service of Smart Communications, which was launched by Piltel in 2002 as a GSM brand. Later, Piltel sold it to Smart Communications, and from 2016, it is known as TNT, but previously, it had other names such as Piltel, Mobiline, and Phone Pal. 

Due to the integration of TNT with Smart, Smart’s network coverage and technological advancements benefit, providing its users with cost-effective services and mobile internet with high connectivity. 

Features of TNT Network

  1. Due to the integration of TNT with Smart, Smart’s network coverage and technological advancements benefit its users.
  2. TNT is known for its cost-effective services and high-connectivity mobile internet.

How can you Check the Balance of TNT in the Philippines?

  • By USSD Code: Dial *123# and press call. Then, follow the instructions to check your balance.
  • Text Message: Just text BAL to 214. You will receive a text message with your balance information.

List of TNT Number Prefixes

Here is the list:

  • 0907
  • 0909
  • 0910
  • 0912
  • 0918
  • 0930
  • 0938
  • 0948
  • 0950
  • 0960
  • 0989

Common Smart and TNT Prefixes

Here is the list of common prefixes which are part of Smart and TNT network.

  • 0946
  • 0963
  • 0982
  • 0985
  • 0998

3. Sun Cellular

Sun Cellular is another popular mobile service in the Philippines, also known as Sun. Initially, it was under Digitel Mobile Philippines, Inc. (DMPI), which was part of Digital Telecommunications Philippines, Inc. (Digitel).

Later, PLDT subsided Sun Cellular and integrated with Smart Communications, so it is now part of the Smart Mobile network and offers affordable and fast mobile services to its customers. Moreover, it offers unrestricted phone calls and text messages to its users. 

Features of Sun Cellular 

It offers affordable and fast mobile services to its customers. Moreover, it provides unrestricted phone calls and text messages to its users.

How can you Check the Balance of Sun Cellular in the Philippines?

  • By USSD Code: Dial *221# and press call. Your balance will show on your screen.
  • By Text Message: Text BAL to 222. A message with your balance details will be sent back to you.

Sun Cellular Number Prefixes (Under Smart)

Here is the list:

4. Globe Telecom

Globe Telecom, Inc. is also one of the largest telecommunication services in Philippines and competes with Smart Communications Inc. Globe Prepaid, Globe Postpaid, and TM (Touch Mobile) are the mobile service providers of Globe for prepaid and post paid customers. It has 57 million mobile subscribers, while TM’s subscribers are more than 30 million, so it’s the second largest mobile network company in the Philippines based on mobile subscribers. 

Globe Telecom provides strong internet connectivity through 2G, 3G, 4G LTE, and 5G technologies.

Like Smart, it offers daily broadband and digital solutions, such as GCash and Globe Studios. GCash is a mobile wallet and online payment solution, while Globe Studios provides media and entertainment content.

Features  of Globe Telecom

  1. Globe Telecom offers robust internet connectivity through 2G, 3G, 4G LTE and 5G technologies.
  2. It offers daily broadband as well as digital services like GCash and Globe Studios. GCash represents a mobile wallet and online payment solution, while Globe Studios functions as a media and entertainment content provider.

How can you Check the Balance of Globe Telecom in the Philippines?

  • By USSD Code: Just dial *143#, then press call. Then, select “My Account” and after that, “Check Balance” from the menu.
  • By Text Message: Send BAL to 222. After receiving a message with your current balance, you can proceed.

List of Globe Number Prefixes

Here is the list:

  • 0817
  • 0979
  • 0904
  • 0954
  • 09253
  • 09255
  • 09256
  • 09257
  • 09258

Globe Postpaid Number Prefixes

Here is the list of Globe Postpaid Prefixes:

  • 09173
  • 09175
  • 09176
  • 09178
  • 09253
  • 09255
  • 09256
  • 09257
  • 09258

5. TM Touch Mobile

Touch Mobile (TM) is one of Globe’s service providers and targets the budget-conscious Philippine population. It offers affordable mobile services, budget-friendly promos, and packages of voice calls, SMS, and internet with good speed and connectivity.

Features of TM Mobile Network

It offers affordable mobile services, budget-friendly promos, and packages of voice calls, SMS, and internet with good speed and connectivity. 

How can you Check the Balance of Touch Mobile (TM) in the Philippines?

  • By USSD Code: Dial *143# and press call. Now, select “My Account” and then “Check Balance.”
  • By Text Message: Simply send an SMS with the text BAL to 8080. You will get an SMS with your balance.

List of TM Number Prefixes

Here is the list:

  • 0953

Common Globe and TM Number Prefixes

Here is the list of common prefixes which are part of Globe and TM network.

  • 0817
  • 0905
  • 0906
  • 0915
  • 0916
  • 0917
  • 0926
  • 0927
  • 0935
  • 0936
  • 0937
  • 0945
  • 0957
  • 0958
  • 0959
  • 0955
  • 0956
  • 0965
  • 0966
  • 0967
  • 0975
  • 0976
  • 0977
  • 0978
  • 0979
  • 0995
  • 0996
  • 0997

6. DITO Telecommunity

DITO Telecommunity officially launched its commercial services in 2021 and became the third-largest mobile network provider in the Philippines. It is making steady progress due to its high-speed and robust internet connectivity, unlimited data packages, calls, and text messages, and affordable price plans. 

DITO telecommunity is a joint venture between Udenna Corporation, Chelsea Logistics, and China Telecom. It gained a telecom license in 2018 and launched officially in the market in 2021. 

Features of DITO Telecommunity

  1. DITO  is making steady progress due to its high-speed and robust internet connectivity.
  1. It offers unlimited data packages, calls, and text messages, and affordable price plans. 

How can you Check the Balance of Smart Communications in the Philippines?

  • By DITO App: This would be the most convenient way to check your balance through the DITO app. Download and install the app, log in, and on the dashboard, you will see your balance.
  • By USSD Code: Dial *185#, and voilà. You will be guided to your balance.

List of DITO Telecommunity Number Prefixes

Here is the list:

  • 0895
  • 0896
  • 0897
  • 0898
  • 0991
  • 0992
  • 0993
  • 0994

FAQs on Mobile Networks

Some FAQs on about mobile networks in the Philippines are:

Q1: How to Load Your Globe Prepaid or TM SIM?

Ans: There are various ways to load your Globe or Smart Sim. one of which is:

1. Download the Maya app on the iOS App Store or Google Play
2. Open Maya and tap “Load” in the dashboard.
3. Select Smart or TNT.
4. Choose your desired regular load amount.
5. Enter your mobile number and tap Continue.
6. Click “Pay” to proceed with your transaction.

Q2: How To Know Your Own Mobile Number in Globe, TM, Smart, TNT, and DITO?

Ans: The one easiest and accessible way to know your own number in Globe, TM, Smart, TNT, and DITO is to call your network’s customer service hotline.

Globe Prepaid and Postpaid – Dial (211)
TM – Dial (808)
DITO Telecommunity – Dial (185)
Sun Postpaid – Dial (888)
ABS-CBN Mobile – Dial (7878)
Sun Prepaid – Dial (*888 or 200)
Smart Prepaid, Bro, Postpaid, and TNT – Dial (*888)


In the Philippines, the determination of mobile number prefixes allows mobile network users to get promos and offers. However, if the sim has undergone the procedure of switching networks or the mobile number portability (MNP) process, the promos will not be available for that network. We keep updating our list of Philippines mobile network prefixes occasionally, so bookmark our page and let us know your queries in the comments section below.

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